The category of announcements of general interest, in this category will be present the forum rules and everything related to the administration of CSPOWER România community.
Category dedicated to CSPOWER România community members. Here you can introduce yourself, apply for a place in our team or even report a user on the community.
Do you want to bring the server to the CSPOWER România community or make a change? Tired of slow support from other communities? Nothing simpler, make a request here and we will answer you within 12 hours at most. CAREFUL! We only accept serious game servers!
We are not responsible for transactions between members. Users are advised to take maximum precautions before completing a transaction to prevent the possibility of fraud.
Counter-Strike 1.6 (also known as CS 1.6), is a mod of the well-known Half-Life video game that belongs to the class of tactical First-Person Shooter (FPS) games, abbreviated as "CS", made by Minh Le and Jess Cliffe and released on September 15, 2003.
Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) is a 2023 multiplayer tactical first-person shooter game developed and published by Valve. It is the fifth main installment of the Counter-Strike series. Developed as an updated version of the previous main entry, CSGO (2012), it was released on September 27, 2023, replacing CSGO on Steam.
like there is written in the message, he had a call, and if you are mad for removing your Admin, no need to go for such crappy things and makes ussles complaints where is no prooff nothing.
Hey bine v-am gasit.Voi incepe cu inceputul .Ma numeste Andreea 23 ani .Locuiesc in Romania de doar 4 ani si inca mai am probleme cu vorbitul/scrisul in Romana .Am venit aici cu parintii pentru afacerea familie, suntem Greci.Sunt pasionata de scripting si am destule proiecte terminate la activ printre care si prietenia cu acest pasarici :D G1RL.D33A din cauza vietii haotice are probleme grave la inima si in prezent este in Olanda se opereaza pentru noua inima.A stat 3 luni pe listele de asteptare pentru o inima compatibila si sanatoasa.O fata din Austria a avut un accident cu 0 sanse de supravieturire si familia ei au fost de acord cu donatia inimii ei catre D33A.Se fac eforturi uriase financiare pentru ca statul Roman nu asigura mare lucru si a fost ieri transportata de urgenta cu Smurd, elicopterul lor.Vomita sange si avea hemoragii severe.Cat lipseste ea juma de an ori cat dureaza va stresez eu LD sunt pe discord la dreea._