Player Rules
1. Do not request Admin / Vip on the Server.
2. Do not swear at the Admins or other players on the Server; [Gag 3-5 minutes, then Ban 10 minutes]
3. Respect the Admins and other players if you want to be respected.
4. You are not allowed to stay AFK. [Slay/kick after 30 minutes]
5. Don't retry or change your nickname when you're a zombie or the last human alive, just so you don't get killed; [Slay, Ban 30 minutes]
6. You are not allowed to use any Script, CFG, Cheat to help you in the game, the game must be as simple / default as possible; [Permanent Ban]
7. Do not advertise other servers, sites, communities; [Kick, Permanent Ban]
8. Don't block the way with lasermine; [Slay, Kick, Ban 30 minutes]
9. Don't spam in chat; [warning, kick]
10. When you're a zombie, you're not allowed to be killed by a player to increase his rank. FreeKill is prohibited; [Kick, Ban 30 minutes]
11. At the question "Did you read and understand the rules?" from the admin / vip / tag request you will answer with "Yes, Zm.CsPower.Ro"!
12. You don't have a sheet to climb on the Map, or to use to your own advantage the bugs found on some Maps [Slay, Kick, Ban 30 minutes]
13. You are not allowed to be a spectator for more than 30 minutes a day without a valid reason. [Kick, Ban 30 minutes]
14. It is forbidden to place lasers in small/narrow places where Zombies cannot attack. [Remove LM, Slay]
Admin Rules
1. Do not abuse the commands; [At 3 warnings you will be removed]
2. The admins are obliged to help the players in the game as well as to guide them to the Forum;
3. The decisions on the server will be made by the online admin with the highest degree, if there are more they will make decisions by mutual agreement without quarrels and scandals. [At 3 warnings you will be removed]
4. The map will only change in the last 5 minutes. Exceptions are only when the map is too small for the players presents on server , or if the players want to change the map;
4.1. If you want to start the "voting map", it is enough to write /startvote in the chat and the voting will start automatically;
4.2. Do not vote for less than 3 maps;
4.3. Do not vote for recently played maps , check recent maps by typing /harti
5. Respect the players if you want to be respected;
6. Administrators have the obligation to visit the Zombie »ZM forum every day to be up with the news
7. Admins have the obligation to give PRO / CONTRA at Admin requests, UnBan requests and Complaints, arguing their decisions;
8. The administrators have the obligation to leave the game aside and take care of the Server, putting themselves spectators and only after solving the problems to return to the game. [At 3 warnings you will be removed]
9. You are not allowed to use commands on other administrators. An exception to this rule is made only in well-argued cases. [At 3 warnings you will be removed]
10. You are not allowed to stay spectators / afk for more than 30 minutes without a good reason, you will be rejected for UP requests and you will not know why. [At 3 warnings you will have downgrade]
11. If you are 5 days consecutive which you do not enter the server at all and do not announce the reason or you have a very low activity, you will be removed instantly.
12. You are not allowed to make a complaint to another admin. If you have a problem with another admin, talk directly to the server owners.
13. If you are 7 days consecutive which you do not enter the forum at all and do not announce the reason or you have a very low activity, you will receive downgrade.
14. The admins are obliged to post all bans longer than 1000 minutes to the BanList. [At 2 warnings go down / removed]
16. Admins are obliged, before making SS of a player or request WG, to watch him playing 3-4 rounds, because not everyone knows how to give SS or give WG.
17.It is strictly forbidden to have admin on another Server as well, because any lower activity will be considered to be because you are more active on the other Server. [Remove]