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Everything posted by qaptain.Example

  1. Model [RO]: Titlu topic: [FURIEN] - Cerere TAG "Nume" Nickname: Tag Custom: Ore jucate: LINK ore GTRS: Pentru Tag Custom aveți nevoie de 5 ore jucate. Model [EN]: Topic title: [FURIEN] - Request TAG "Name" Nickname: Custom Tag: Hours played: Link hours GTRS: For the Custom Tag, you will need 5 played hours.
  2. [RO] Titlu Topic: [Furien] - Propunere 'Nume' Nume: Propunere/Sugesti: Avantaje: [EN] Topic Title: [Furien] - Proposal 'Name' Name: Proposal/Suggestions: Benefits:
  3. FURIEN.CSPOWER.RO RULES Players Rules The administration of FURIEN.CSPOWER.RO cares a lot about keeping the atmosphere as pleasant as possible on the server, inappropriate language, insults, mockery, or jokes/insults with racist, sexual overtones or posted with the aim of denigrating a person regardless of whether they are a player or an admin are strictly prohibited by punishing with GAG 5-10 minutes followed by BAN 30 minutes in repeated cases or even permanent BAN when the inappropriate language continues. Any order executed on you by an admin must not be disputed or countered with threats, insults or reproaches, if you consider that the respective admin is abusing the rank, you can file a complaint in the Admin Complaints section Players and Admins are forbidden to use (CAPS-LOCK) on the chat intended for players as well as on the chat intended for admins (PENALTIES: GAG, BAN 15 MINUTES (FIRST OFFENSE), 30 MINUTES (2ND OFFENSE). Any type of hack/cfg will be sanctioned with a PERMANENT BAN with no right of appeal The players are forced to announce on say_team @ the players who have codes or are suspected of codes as well as those who do (TURNBACK) OR (CAMP). Any player who plays on our server and advertises on other servers regardless of the community they come from will be sanctioned with (PERMANENT BAN) Do not offend the STAFF and the FOUNDERS of the server because something bothers you, you will be SANCTIONED with a 120-MINUTE BAN (FIRST OFFENSE), PERMANENT BAN (2ND OFFENSE). We do not accept idle players (AFK) being sanctioned with a kick If you suspect a cheat player and there is no online admin, you can do a DEMO and then you can post the code (respecting the model) in the section: BAN/UnBan Requests You are not allowed to climb onto the MAP - ACTION: SLAY/BAN 10 MINUTES (in repeated cases after the slay command has already been given at least 3 times!) When the bomb is planted, you are only allowed to CAMP in ZONE X (Where the bomb is planted) You are not allowed to camp - ACTION: SLAY (1/3), (2/3) BAN - 10 minutes (3/3) CAMPZONE - is when a CT rotates in the same area (for example on dust2 in X1 he goes up the ladder turns in X - goes long, turns in X and so on other maps or stays in the same place). You are not allowed to put more than 2 He to the bomb, otherwise you will be banned for 10 minutes! You are not allowed to turn (TURN-BACK) regardless of the moment or situation You can do a turnback when you are the last CT alive You are obliged to leave X free in the last 30 seconds for the furies to plant On maps with a single X, it will be released in the last 60 seconds Furians are obliged to plant the bomb in the last 60 seconds You are not allowed to throw the bomb in the places from which it can no longer be taken as Furien - SANCTION - BAN 10 MINUTES You are not allowed to plant the bomb in inaccessible places, where it cannot be detonated - SANCTION: BAN 30 MINUTES Admin Rules No admin is allowed to use commands on other admins - VERBAL WARNING ON THE FIRST OFFENSE / DOWN GRADE on the 2nd An admin is not allowed to use vulgar language on the server - VERBAL WARNING FOR THE FIRST OFFENSE / DOWN GRADE for the 2nd Admins are required to have proof against a BAN granted - VERBAL WARNING FOR THE FIRST OFFENSE / DOWN GRADE for the 2nd Admins are obliged to give at least 3 MAPS to VOTE - VERBAL WARNING FOR THE FIRST OFFENSE / DOWN GRADE for the 2nd The vote to change the map is done in the last 5 MINUTES - VERBAL WARNING FOR THE FIRST OFFENSE / DOWN GRADE for the 2nd Admins are obliged to check if in the area where the bomb is planted (A & B) if there are more than 3 hes, the whole FURIEN team is sanctioned with slayteam. Your activity as an admin on the server will be monitored depending on your presence on the server & discord, activity on the forum (answers to admin slot requests, etc..) as well as your behavior, these considerations can determine the idea of UP/DOWNGRADE, so there is no need to you ask, the server administration will decide The amx_banip/addban command is used only in the following situations: if the respective player advertises on another server/forum if the player uses cheat/hack/anti-recoil. in case you took pictures of someone and the person in question does not want to give them to you. 30 minutes for the one who has a disturbing language (be careful before warning him with amx_gag, and if he continues, ban 30 min) if the player uses modified CFG, it is played only by default! if a player uses modified Scripts for bhop, strafehack. Attention, it is PERMANENTLY banned The command amx_votemap or votemapmenu is used only in the last 5 minutes, with the following specifications: the vote is not given before consulting with the admins present on the server! - Warning before voting, check the last maps by typing /last the map is changed after a vote by any admin present on the server, it is not a rule that the one who voted should be the one who changes it. if no vote was given and the vote was automatic, let the map from the automatic vote run! map photos are taken in the last 5 minutes To the question "Have you read the rules?" The accepted answer is "no"
  4. Regulamentul FURIEN.CSPOWER.RO Regulament Jucatori Administratia FURIEN.CSPOWER.RO tine foarte mult la pastrarea unei atmosfere cat mai placute pe server , limbajul inadecvat, injurii, batjocura, sau glume/insulte cu tente rasiste, sexuale sau postate cu menirea sa denigreze o persoana indiferent ca este jucator sau admin sunt strict interzise pedepsindu-se cu GAG 5-10 minute urmat de BAN 30 de minute in cazuri repetate sau chiar BAN permanent cand limbajul inadecvat continua. Orice comanda executata pe voi de catre un admin nu trebuie disputata sau contracarata cu amenintari,injurii sau reprosuri daca considerati ca adminul respectiv abuzeaza de grad puteti face reclamatie in sectiunea Reclamatii Admini Jucatorilor cat si Adminilor le este interzis sa foloseasca (CAPS-LOCK) pe chat-ul destinat playerilor cat si pe chat-ul destinat adminilor (SANCTIUNE: GAG, BAN 15 MINUTE (PRIMA ABATERE), 30 MINUTE (A 2 A ABATERE). Orice tip de hack/cfg va fi sanctionat cu BAN PERMANENT fara drept de apel Jucatorii sunt nevoiti sa anunte pe say_team @ playerii ce au coduri sau sunt suspecti de coduri cat si cei ce fac (TURNBACK) SAU (CAMP). Orice player care joaca pe server-ul nostru si face reclama pe alte servere indiferent de pe comunitate provin ele va fi sanctionat cu (BAN PERMANENT) Nu jigniti STAFF-ul cat si FONDATORII server-ului pentru ca va deranjeaza pe voi ceva veti fi SANCTIONATI cu BAN 120 DE MINUTE (PRIMA ABATERE), BAN PERMANENT (A 2 A ABATERE). Nu acceptam jucatori idle (AFK) fiind sanctionati cu kick Daca suspectati un jucator de cheats si nu este nici un admin online, puteti face un DEMO si apoi puteti posta codatul (respectand modelul ) in sectiunea : Cereri BAN/UnBan Nu aveti voie sa va urcati pe HARTA - SACTIUNE: SLAY/BAN 10 MINUTE ( in cazuri repetate dupa ce s-au dat deja comanda slay de cel putin 3 ori ! ) Cand este plantata bomba, nu aveti voie CAMP decat in ZONA X-ului (Unde bomba este plantata) Nu aveti voie sa campati - SACTIUNE: SLAY (1/3), (2/3) BAN - 10 minute(3/3) CAMPZONE - este atunci când un CT se învarte în aceeasi zona( spre exemplu pe dust2 in X1 el se duce scara se întoarce în X - se duce lung, se întoarce în X si tot asa si pe alte harti sau sta in acelas loc). Nu aveti voie sa puneti mai mult de 2 He la bomba, in caz contrar ban 10 de minute! Nu aveti voie sa va intoarceti (TURN-BACK) indiferent de moment sau situatie Poti face turnback atunci cand esti ultimul CT in viata Sunteti obligati sa lasati X liber in ultimele 30 de secunde pentru ca furienii sa planteze Pe hartile cu un singur X, se va lasa liber in ultimele 60 secunde Furienii sunt obligati sa plantati bomba in ultimele 60 secunde Nu aveti voie sa aruncati bomba in locurile din care nu mai poate fi luata ca Furien - SANCTIUNE - BAN 10 MINUTE Nu aveti voie sa plantati bomba in locurile inaccesibile, in care nu se poate da defuse - SANCTIUNE: BAN 30 MINUTE Regulament Admini Nici un admin nu are voie sa foloseasca comenzi pe alti admini - ADVERTISMENT VERBAL LA PRIMA ABATERE / DOWN GRADE la a 2 a Un admin nu are voie sa foloseasca un limbaj vulgar pe server - ADVERTISMENT VERBAL LA PRIMA ABATERE / DOWN GRADE la a 2 a Admini sunt obligati sa detina o dovada impotriva unui BAN acordat - ADVERTISMENT VERBAL LA PRIMA ABATERE / DOWN GRADE la a 2 a Admini sunt obligati sa dea minim 3 HARTI la VOTARE - ADVERTISMENT VERBAL LA PRIMA ABATERE / DOWN GRADE la a 2 a Votul de schimbare a hartii se face in ultimele 5 MINUTE - ADVERTISMENT VERBAL LA PRIMA ABATERE / DOWN GRADE la a 2 a Admini sunt obligati sa verifice daca in zona unde e plantata bomba ( A & B ) daca sunt mai mult de 3 he-uri se sanctioneaza toata echipa FURIEN cu slayteam. Activitatea voastra ca admin pe server va fi monitorizata in functie de prezenta voastra pe server & discord, activitate pe forum ( raspunsuri la cereri admin slot etc..) cat si comportamentul vostru aceste considerente pot determina idea de UP/DOWNGRADE deci nu e nevoie sa cereti voi, administratia server-ului va decide Comanda amx_banip/addban se foloseste numai in urmatoarele situatii : daca jucatorul respectiv face reclama la alt server/forum daca jucatorul foloseste cheat/hack/anti-recoil. in cazul in care a-ti facut cuiva poze iar cel aflat in cauza nu vrea sa vi le dea. 30 minute celui care are un limbaj deranjant (atentie inainte il avertizati cu amx_gag , iar daca continua ban 30 min) daca jucatorul foloseste CFG modificat , se joaca doar default ! daca un jucator foloseste Scripturi modificate pentru bhop, strafehack. Atentie se da ban PERMANENT Comanda amx_votemap sau votemapmenu se utilizeaza doar in ultimile 5 minute, cu următoarele precizări: votul nu se da inainte de a va consulta cu adminii prezenti pe server! - Avertizare înainte de a da vote verificati ultimele harti tastand /last harta se schimba dupa vot de orice admin prezent pe server , nu este o regula ca , cel care a dat votul sa fie cel , care o si schimba. daca nu s-a dat vot si a fost votul automat , se lasa harta de la votul automat sa ruleze ! foturile harti se fac in ultimele 5 minute La intrebarea "Ai citit regulamentul ?" Raspunsul acceptat este "nu"
  5. Model [RO]: Titlu topic: [FURIEN] - Cerere Schimbare Nume "Nume" Nickname-ul vechi: Nickname-ul dorit: Motiv: Model [EN]: Topic title: [FURIEN] - Request Change Name "Name" Old nickname: New nickname: Reason:
  6. Model [RO]: Titlu topic: [FURIEN] - Ban List "Nume" Nume: IP/SteamID: Data și ora: Perioada: Motiv: Dovezi: Model [EN]: Topic title: [FURIEN] - Ban List "Name" Name: IP/SteamID: Date and hour: Time: Reason: Proof:
  7. Model [RO]: Titlu topic: [FURIEN] - Reclamație Admin "Nume Admin" Nickname-ul tău: Nickname-ul adminului: Data si ora: Motiv: Dovadă: Alte precizări?: Model [EN]: Topic title: [FURIEN] - Report Admin "Admin Name" Your nickname: Admin's nickname: Date and hour: Reason: Proof: Anything else?:
  8. Model [RO]: Titlu topic: [FURIEN] - Cerere Unban "Nume" Nickname: Motivul pentru care aţi primit ban: Adminul care te-a banat: Data și ora: Dovezile tale: Model [EN]: Topic title: [FURIEN] - Unban request "Name" Nickname: The reason you've been banned for: The admin who banned you: Date and time: Your evidence:
  9. Model [RO]: Titlu topic: [FURIEN] - Cerere Upgrade "Nume" Nume: Gradul pe care îl ai: Gradul pe care îl dorești: Orele tale: GameTracker Link(Click) : De ce vrei promovare?: Model [EN]: Topic title: [FURIEN] - Request Upgrade "Name" Name: Current rank: Wanted rank: Hours: GameTracker Link(Click) : Why do you want to promote?: INFO: Doar admini au voie să răspundă la cereri. / Only admins are allowed to respond to requests. Dacă cererea voastră a fost respinsă, puteți face altă cerere după 7 zile. / If your request has been rejected, you can make another after 7 days Nu puteți să săriți peste grade, toate se iau treptat. / You can't jump over ranks, everything is gradual.
  10. ★FURIEN.CSPOWER.RO★ Organizeaza o Campanie de Admine free prin care puteti deveni admin pe server fara a avea nevoie de ore jucate Pentru a participa - reply si folositi modelul de mai jos. Model: Numele tau pe server: Varsta: Ai mai fost admin pana acum?: Cat la % cunosti partea de AMXX?: Ai citit regulamentul?: [EN] Your Nickname: Age: You have been admin until now?: How % do you know AMXX: Do you read rules?:
  11. Titlu topic: [Furien] - Cerere Admin 'Nume' Numele tău pe server: Vârstă: Steam ON / OFF: Ore jucate + link GT.RS: Ai mai fost admin? Și dacă da, cât timp?: Activitate noapte / zi: Contact: De ce doriți acest grad: Ce vă atrage la serverul nostru și de ce ați ales să jucați cu noi?: Ați citit regulamentul?:
  12. Topic Title: [Furien] - Request Admin 'Name' Your name on the server: Age: Steam ON / OFF: Hours played + GT.RS link: Have you been an admin before? And if so, how long?: Night / day activity: Contact: Why do you want admin: What attracts you to our server and why you chose to play with us?: Have you read the rules?:
  13. Topic title: [FURIEN] - Request Slot "Name" Your name: Nickname: Hours played: Link GTRS: For 'SLOT' you need to have 3h on server. For view hours played on server check this link: Click
  14. Titlu Topic: [FURIEN] - Cerere Slot "Nume" Numele tau: Nickname: Ore jucate: Link ore GTRS: Pentru gradul de 'SLOT' aveți nevoie de 3 ore. Pentru a vedea cate ore ai intra pe link: Click
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